Monday 14 November 2011

Examples of design

I thought of this design because most people will know it and is a pretty simple logo of a bat on a yellow back ground which is meant to show light and the black is a shadow
Literal: An image of the Batman logo
Abstract: very bold image of a bat on a yellow background which shows the light source to help the image stand out
Cultural: Popular Western cultural of the super hero world more recognised in the US

This example is someones design of a tattoo but clearly based around angel wings mixed with tribal the idea of them both together doesnt really go but this design has really shown that it is possible
Literal: A tattoo design in a tribal style
Abstract:i think this picture has a darkside to it even tho its of angel wings you can see a face in the middle with evil horns and i think the tribal style gives it a darkside
Cultural: The image is in a tribal design but isnt the normal type you would see which dates back a long time this has a modern twist to it
Here is design i did myself and is of an idea i had for my sisters tattoo which she does now have going down her right side ill upload a picture when i get it
Literal: A drawing of a tattoo i designed for my sister

Abstract: The abstract side to this image is to show new life can be held in a small thread and should be looked after

Cultural: I guess this is a modern cultural as i drew it myself and it was something to show new life
Coca Cola properly once of the most widely known logo and design which can be found all over the world which is simply a text font which goes to show not everything has to be detailed to become well known
Literal:Picture of the well known Coca Cola logo
Abstract:the image only needs to contain the products logo to make people think of it and most likey want it for themselfs
Cultural:this image is very well know in many countries and is a big name brand which can be found almost everywhere

Properly some of my most favourate designs but maybe not so much for the logos and text fonts but more for the product :) as the photo is taken in my room infront my xbox
beside that you can see with there designs that the black backround and bright colours are to grab your attention and inviting you over to see what this product is.
Literal:two cans sat next to an Xbox 360
Abstract: i think this shows the extent of what some people will go through to play xbox they will need extra enegry to continue playing games for long periods of time
Cultural: this is what the world has came to in resent years where people will spend more time infront
of a console then they go outside which makes products
like enegry drinks a lot more popular to assit them in there

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