Monday 14 November 2011

Media, Advertising and Propaganda


This advert is clearly for Youtube but in an old fashion style of posters kinda like the old propaganda pictures for the war i think this poser is trying to say youtube is last the times and might as well have been from back around the time the poser is trying to be.
Literal: an advert for Youtube
Abstract:showing that pretty much anyone can use youtube and enjoy its contains
Cultural: the poser is in the style of odd propaganda posters which were around in the war times 1940s but this image shows a man using youtube set in that time which is i think is to show that if the internet was widespread like it is today then this is the sort of posers you would have seen

in this advert the uses of cool colours is key to the product showing that you cant get a colder beer then cools light and the styling on the bottle subjects then too

Literal:Poster showing Cools Light beer
Abstract: showing that there beer is so cold that it can change anywhere in to ice caps and snow
Cultural: aimed at people who enjoy there beer ice cold promoting that there beer will be the coldest you were try

i think this is brilliant even tho i don't like star wars the way it looks like one of the old propaganda posers from the Germans and the fact that Darth Vader is symbolising the enemy aka the Germans asking for people to enlist in the war.

Literal: darth vader in an old style propaganda poster
Abstract:a poster trying to get people to join the darkside and fight the jedi which is done in an old army " needs you " style
Cultural: Some people believe that jedi is a real thing and this is aimed at them sort of people which has a strong messange that darth vader can't do it alone and needs YOUR help

I think this is really smart advertising making a zebra crossing in to the fries of a McDonald's pack of fries, the reason i think this is smart is because your bound to look at it as your pass it weather you want to or not you will which means you will look at the logo and think of McDonald's

Literal: Image painted on the floor of a busy town
Abstract: i think this shows how much people are controlled by fast food and the easiness of it that is has even become part of the world in the sence that they used an image of fries to make a zebra crossing
Cultural: Todays cultural is very much involed in fast food as everyone seems to always be busy and by this image being on a place most people will cross the road it will set the idea in there head that they maybe hungry and they will think of this image and head over to Mcdonlds for something to eat which im guessing isnt to far away from this image.

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