Monday 14 November 2011

Unit 4

Activity 4 - Research Images and Meaning

In this activity you will research a range of images and add them to a post entitled "Research Images and Meaning" in your blog for this unit. You may need to access images from a variety of sources so you may need to access a scanner to complete this task. Any image can be included and aim to be as creative as you can.
You should research images under the following headings:
  • Historical images (between prehistory and 21st Century)
  • Urban Signs and Symbols
  • Artworks
  • Good examples of design
  • Media, Advertising and Propaganda
  • Scientific Images or Optical illusions
  • Interactive Media
Once you have collected a range of images under these headings you should describe each one using the following headings.
  • The Literal meaning of the image - what is contained in the image
  • The abstract meaning of the image - what is hidden in the image
  • The mood or feeling of the image - what the image makes you feel
  • The scientific effects of the image (you may only be able to answer this for optical illusions)
  • The social, historical or cultural context of the image - how the image relates to culture and society, whether modern day or historical

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