Monday 14 November 2011

Interactive Media

This is a picutre i took of my Xbox Live dashboard which is an interactive menu to get from talking to friends watching films, buying music and of course playing your games, one of the most used interactive media's amount the younger generation but also widely used by older ones too

Xbox dashboard with skyrim in the cd drive

Many menu's to pick from to try to keep you interested to stay on the interface and becoming interested in other things for sell

relates to modern society and is used by many cultures

Im pretty sure this counts as interactive media as you must interact with the media on the screen to be able to exccess your account on a cash machine i think i just answered my own question.

A picture of the interfaced used on todays cash points ( ATMs )

A small hole in the wall which a piece of plastic can help you obtain your digital money from anywhere

                                                      relates to modern society and is used by many cultures

The biggest interactive media craze since sliced bread.. even tho i don't really understand that saying im sure it fits i picked this because well as i have one i do think it deserves a place on my blog as a Key change to how interactive media is used today this phone can do everything.... but most of all empty your pocket !
Photo of the front, back and side of a white iphone

Iphone stood along side its self is the only contender in this picture and has no rivals

The iphone has been a big trend setting in culture of
today by getting people easy uses of internet whenever
where ever at high speeds

Proof that the Wii fit can be sold to anyone ! i think this is also a key interactive media of today as everyone wants to be fit all of a sudden its the cool thing to do so here is the example why go running when you can do it on your wii..... smart the because all tho its just a game it makes you feel your doing something good for yourself

an old granny stood on a wii fit board trying out Wii Fit

even the old farts can enjoy playing games

proving that any age can enjoy console games not just the younger generation

This is the website that got me in to interactive media the most in my childhood even since Flash games become real big new grounds had them all from big names to people in there bedroom making the you could play them all for free and i always enjoyed the design side to them more then the actual game
Screenshot taken off the homepage of a interative media website
a resting place for creative people who enjoy playing and build interative games
i think this is very aimed at the modern culture where everyone has internet at there finger tips

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