Monday 14 November 2011

Historical images

This could have been put in both historical and propaganda as it shows that if you were to volunteer to be a sailor then you would get a good looking girl when you return
i like this poster because its to the point and it also for a good cause with a thrown in bit of humour

Literal: A sailor hugging a lady
Abstract: Showing that if you join the sailors you will most defiatly pull and pretty girl afterwards
Cultural: A image of an old poster to try and get more people to join the submarine services using proprganda to try to get people to join by saying they will get a girl if they have served in the navy
                                                       This is an old picture from the egpytian times done on papaius paper which gives it that tea stain look to it making things look old before they maybe are,i think the colour used in this picture is to outline the wealth of the hunter and to promote him

Literal: Old picture from the egyptian times of a man on his carrage
Abstract: a colourful warrior of great weath
Cultural:the egpyians believed that the more colourful you were the more rich and poular you became

Some of the oldest artwork found is the cave paintings this one i like alot because there is a story withing the image showing how they would hunt deer years and years ago
 i also like the uses of only two colours im sure this isnt done on purpose but due to lack of materials but it gives it, its own feel.
This is the famous piece of Jesus' last supper i dont believe in all that but this picture does show fellowship and friendship all shared around a table of " equals ".

Literal:The last supper
Abstract:the leader sat in the middle of a table showing his leadership and everyone around waiting on his every word
                                                                           This is a picture of an old geek status I'm not to sure if it is made by the geek or is a replica of a piece from that age the reason i say that is because it is in perfect condition you can see the size of it due to the man stood next to him
I really like all the old geek art had a mystic feel to it and was very creative

Literal: Amzingly detailed status
Abstract:This status is Huge to show the power he controls the bigger you are the more powerful you become
Cultural:dates back to the geek times where they believed in gods to feel safe and by showing them to be massive makes them feel more safe in his presents

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