Monday 14 November 2011

Scientific Images or Optical illusions

I think this picture is very witty and the meaning is very to the point and ironic as it says use only what you need and is only taking up a small part of the billboard aka " using only what the sign needed"
 This isnt really a illusion but i think it does make you look twice to think which a massive part of the billboard is missing
A billboard with a poser on it that only takes up about 20% of the actual space which is " only what they need"
a cheaper way to fill the space and get a point across at the same time
showing todays cultures, how much of everything we waste even when it comes to a big billboard like this one
this one also is very witty but really does get its message across by proving its point within the billboard, i think its a very smart picture as it really makes you read what little part you can see due to the light and once read makes you understand the meaning.
smartly used billboard where only one of the four lights which reviles the only message on the board which states " use Electricity wisely "
Controdicing the first picture which only use what you need by wasting the whole billboard to just show a light message
Cultural:this message is aimed at the modern culture of today who uses way to much electricity then we all need too

Yet again a awesome example of opitcal illusions the picture looks like the man is pulling the corner away with his mouth this is adverting a toothpaste to make teeth stronger
an illusion of the a man who is in the picture apon a billboard is pulling the side of the billboard away from its stand using his teeth
showing the pure strength of the tooth paste they are trying to sell as being super stong
Brokes the boundary's of the poster
When i first seen this image i did actuality think there was two vans in the back of a lorries trailer making the optical illusion clearly a really good one because it fooled me, i don't see what the meaning behind a FedEx carrying UPS vans is but I'm sure its something to do with FedEx saying they are better.

Literal: The picture is of a lorry with a illusion of UPS trucks to seem as if they were inside the trailer
Abstract: the way i see this picture is that Fedex is so big that it Carry's the smaller company UPS on its back
showing leadership
Cultural: i think the cultural side to this picture is of how much the mondern world using delivery services so much that even other companies will have to deliver the smaller ones
I think this one is also brilliant because its saying life's to short for the wrong job as if this machines have people working in them for you as you can see in the picture, this is obviously an illusion but also a very smart propaganda

Literal:A cash machine showing an image of a man doing all the workings behind the machine
Abstract:What a cash machine would be like if technology wasn't around and was still run by personal interaction
Cultural:i think the cultral side to this image is that we take machines for granted and that people are being replaced by technology

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